In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvio...
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
In past times there was a rule that every real man should build a house. Of course, now it is considered as an outdated stereotype and modern real man will likely hire professionals than waste his time on building process. However the symbolic power of building as an act of creation, creation of a new life, still lives in our souls. And it obvious that the better your future house will be, the better new life you will get.
Na použitie v interiéri aj v exteriéri, na steny a stropy na lepenie izolačných dosiek z fasádneho expandovaného polystyrénu.Balenie: 25kgLen osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Základový penetračný náter na savé podklady, na steny, stropy a podlahy. Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Špeciálny kontaktný náter na nesavé a hladké podklady.Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Penetrácia s granulátom pod tenkovrstvové omietky.Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Zatieraná omietka na tvorbu dekoratívnych finálnych povrchov. Do interiérov a exteriérov.So zrnitosťou 1,5 / 2,0 / 3,0 mm.Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Ryhovaná omietka na tvorbu dekoratívnych finálnych povrchov.Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Silikónová tenkovrstvová pastovitá omietka so zatieranou štruktúrou, hydrofóbna, vysoko paropriepustná. Je vhodná na fasády domov, zatepľovacie systémy, ale aj do interiérov. Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.
Silikónová tenkovrstvová pastovitá omietka s ryhovanou štruktúrou, hydrofóbna, vysoko paropriepustná. Je vhodná na fasády domov, zatepľovacie systémy, ale aj do interiérov. Len osobný odber v Topoľčanoch, alebo doprava v TO okrese.